
Published papers

  1. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., The Lk-error of smooth isotonic estimators (2019). Electronic Journal of Statistics 13, p.1031-1098.

  2. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., A central limit theorem for the Hellinger loss of Grenander type estimators (2019). Statistica Neerlandica 73, Issue 2, p.180-196. (arXiv:1612.06647)(

  3. Durot, C.; Lopuhaä, H.P.,Limit theory in monotone function estimation (2018). Statistical Science 33 p.547-567. (Stat Sci link)

  4. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., Smoothed isotonic estimators of a monotone baseline hazard in the Cox model (2018). Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 45 p.753-791 (arxiv:1609.06617) (doi:10.1111/sjos.12321)

  5. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., The distance between a naive cumulative estimator and its least concave majorant (2018). Statistics and Probability Letters 139 p.119-128 (arXiv:1706.05173)(SPLlink)

  6. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., Isotonized smooth estimators of a monotone baseline hazard in the Cox model (2017). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 191 p.43-67. (arXiv:1611.015)

  7. Boistard, H., Lopuhaä, H.P and Ruiz-Gazen, Functional central limit theorems survey sampling. (2017) Annals of Statistics, 45(4) p.1728-1758. (arXiv:1509.09273)

  8. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Musta, E., Smooth Grenander-type estimator of a monotone hazard under random censoring (2017). Statistica Neerlandica, 71(1) p.58-82. (arxiv:1512.07445)

  9. Durot, C.; Lopuhaä, H.P., A Kiefer-Wolfowitz type result in a general setting, with an application to smooth monotone estimation (2014). Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8(2), p.2479-2513. (arXiv:1308.0417)

  10. Durot, C.; Groeneboom, P.; Lopuhaä, H.P., Testing equality of functions under monotonicity constraints (2013). Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 25(4) p.939-970. (arXiv:1207.2118)

  11. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Nane, G.F., Shape constrained nonparametric estimators of the baseline distribution in Cox proportional hazards model (2013). Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 40(3) p.619-646 (arXiv:1110.2345)

  12. van Geloven, N.; Martin, I.; Damman, P.; Winter, R.; Tijssen, J. and Lopuhaä, H.P., Estimation of a decreasing hazard of patients with myocardial infarction (2013). Statistics in Medicine, 32 p.1223–1238.

  13. Lopuhaä, H.P., Nane, G.F., An asymptotic linear representation for the Breslow estimator (2013). Communications in Statistics 42(7) p.1314-1324. (PDF)

  14. Boistard, H., Lopuhaä, H.P and Ruiz-Gazen, A. Approximation of rejective sampling inclusion probabilities and applications (2012). Electronic Journal of Statistics 6 p.1967-1983 (archiv:1207.5654).

  15. Durot, C., Kulikov, V.N.; Lopuhaä, H.P., The limit distribution of the L-error of Grenander-type estimators (2012). Annals of  Statistics 40(3) p.1578-1608. (arXiv:1111.5934)

  16. Vonck, D.; Jakimowicz, J.J.; Lopuhaä, H.P. and Goossens, R.H.M., Grasping soft tissue by means of vacuum technique (2012). Medical Engineering and Physics 34(8) p.1088-1094.

  17. Cator, E.A., Lopuhaä, H.P., Central limit theorem and influence function for the MCD estimators at general multivariate distributions (2012). Bernoulli 18(2) p.520-551 (arXiv:0907.0079v2)

  18. Cator, E.A., Lopuhaä, H.P., Asymptotic expansion of the minimum covariance determinant estimators (2010). Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101 p.2372---2388 (arXiv:0908.3767v1) (JMVA online version)

  19. van Geloven, N.; Cator, E.A., Lopuhaä, H.P. and Janssen, M.P. Regression analysis on serial dilution data from virus validation robustness studies (2009) Statistica Neerlandica  63, no 3, 245---257. (PDF) (SN Online version)

  20. Borovkova, S.A.; Lopuhaä, H.P. and Nurani, B. Consistency and asymptotic normality of least squares estimators in generalized space-time models (2008), Statistica Neerlandica  62, no 4, 482---508. (PDF)

  21. Kulikov, V.N.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Distribution of global measures of deviation between the empirical distribution function and its concave majorant (2008), Journal of Theoretical Probability 21 pp 356--377 (PDF)

  22. Kulikov, V.N.; Lopuhaä, H.P. The limit process of the difference between the empirical distribution function and its concave majorant (2006)Statistics and Probability Letters 76, no.16, pp 1781-1786. (PDF)

  23. Kulikov, V.N.; Lopuhaä, H.P. The behavior of the NPMLE of a decreasing density near the boundaries of the support. (2006) Ann. Statist. 34,no. 2, 742-768 (PDF)

  24. Kulikov, V.N.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Asymptotic normality of the Lk-error of the Grenander estimator (2005) Ann. Statist. 33, no. 5., 2228-2255 (PDF) .

  25. Roelen, A.L.C, Wever, R., Hale, A.R., Goossens, L.H.J., Cooke, R.M., Lopuhaä, H.P., Simons, M, and Valk, P.J.L. Causal modeling using Bayesian belief nets for integrated safety at airports. Risk Decision and Policy 9 (2004) no 3,  207--222.

  26. Groeneboom, P.; Lopuhaä, H.P.; de Wolf, Peter P. Kernel-type estimators for the extreme value index, Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 6, 1956--1995.  (PDF)

  27. Roelen, A.L.C, Wever, R., Hale, A.R., Goossens, L.H.J., Cooke, R.M., Lopuhaä, H.P., Simons, M, and Valk, P.J.L. Causal modeling for integrated safety at airports. Safety and Reliability (Bedford & van Gelder eds.), 1321--1327, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2003, ISBN 90 5809 551 7 (PDF).

  28. Roelen, A.L.C, Wever, R., Cooke, R.M., Lopuhaä, H.P., Hale, A.R., and Goossens, L.H.J. Aviation causal model using Bayesian Belief Nets to quantify management influence. Safety and Reliability (Bedford & van Gelder eds.), 1315--1320, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2003, ISBN 90 5809 551 7 (PDF).

  29. Lopuhaä, H.P. Asymptotics of reweighted estimators of multivariate location and scatter. Ann. Statist. 27 (1999), no. 5, 1638--1665.(PDF)

  30. Groeneboom, P.; Hooghiemstra, G.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Asymptotic normality of the L1 error of the Grenander estimator. Ann. Statist. 27 (1999), no. 4, 1316--1347. (PDF)

  31. Hooghiemstra, G.; Lopuhaä, H.P. An extremal limit theorem for the argmax process of Brownian motion minus a parabolic drift, Extremes 1 (1998), no. 1, 215--240. (PDF)

  32. Campbell, N.A.; Lopuhaä, H.P.; Rousseeuw,  P.J. On the calculation of a robust S-estimator of a covariance matrix. Statistics in Medicine 17 (1998), no. 23, 2685-2695. (PDF)

  33. Lopuhaä, H.P. Asymptotic expansion of S-estimators of location and covariance. Statist. Neerlandica 51 (1997), no. 2, 220--237.(PDF)

  34. Groeneboom, P.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Isotonic estimators of monotone densities and distribution functions: basic facts. Statist. Neerlandica 47 (1993), no. 3, 175--183. 

  35. Lopuhaä, H.P. Highly efficient estimators of multivariate location with high breakdown point. Ann. Statist. 20 (1992), no. 1, 398--413.(PDF)

  36. Lopuhaä, H.P. Multivariate t-estimators for location and scatter. Canad. J. Statist. 19 (1991), no. 3, 307--321.(PDF)

  37. Lopuhaä, H.P.; Rousseeuw, P.J. Breakdown points of affine equivariant estimators of multivariate location and covariance matrices. Ann. Statist. 19 (1991), no. 1, 229--248.(PDF)

  38. Lopuhaä, H.P. Breakdown point and asymptotic properties of multivariate S-estimators and t-estimators: a summary. Directions in robust statistics and diagnostics, Part I, 167--182, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 33, Springer, New York, 1991.

  39. Lopuhaä, H.P. On the relation between S-estimators and M-estimators of multivariate location and covariance. Ann. Statist. 17 (1989), no. 4, 1662--1683.(PDF)


Reports and papers in proceedings

  1. Nurani, B.R., Borovkova, S.A., Lopuhaä, H.P., Least squares estimation of Generalized Space Time Auto Regressive (GSTAR) model and its properties. 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN MATHEMATICS (ICREM5)  Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1450   Pages: 61-64   DOI: 10.1063/1.4724118   Published: 2012.

  2. Roelen, A.L.C, Wever, R., Hale, A.R., Goossens, L.H.J., Cooke, R.M., Lopuhaä, H.P., Simons, M, and Valk, P.J.L. Causal modeling of air safety: Demonstration model. NLR report No. NLR-CR-2002-662, 2002.

  3. Borovkova, S.A.; Lopuhaä, H.P.; Nurani, B.R. Generalized STAR model with experimental weights, Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling 2002, Chania.

  4. Borovkova, S.A.; Lopuhaä, H.P.; Nurani, B.R; Udijanna S.P.; Sutawanir Darwis. Random Weights in the Space Time Autoregressive Model, Proceedings ISSM 2001, Manchester.

  5. Goverde, R.M.P; Hansen, I.A.; Hooghiemstra, G.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Delay distribution in railway stations.. Proceedings WCTR 2001, Seoul.

  6. Goverde, R.M.P; Hooghiemstra, G.; Lopuhaä, H.P. Statistical Analysis of Train Traffic: the Eindhoven case. TRAIL report No. S2001/1, TU Delft, 2001.

  7. Jongbloed, G.; Lopuhaä, H.P. A class of parameter free test statistics for group family null hypotheses, Report 95-107, TU Delft, 1995.

  8. Lopuhaä, H.P. Estimation of Location and Covariance with high Breakdown Point, PhD thesis, TU Delft,1990.

  9. Lopuhaä, H.P. A martingale associated with the Grenander estimator, MSc thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1986 (Report 86-14).